Throughout the 2022-2023 programming year, Bright Beginnings' (BBI) primary goal was to harness the awesome power of creativity to bring new opportunities to our children and families.

With our two-generation approach, we were proud to deliver our hallmark programs, including health and developmental screenings and family services, as well as new ones, such as our farmers markets, diabetes education, and a leadership pipeline for educators.

New strategic partnerships were built with a dynamic set of community organizations and companies, while existing partnerships with valuable collaborators were strengthened. And, importantly, our teachers and support staff worked tirelessly to ensure that students’ developmental needs were met so that our Pre-K 4 students were kindergarten ready.

All children advanced in each of the eight content areas defined by the industry-standard Child Observation Record (COR) Advantage: Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Health, Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics, Creative Arts, Science and Technology and Social Studies.

Our Language Environment Analysis program found on average BBI children heard over 1,826 adult words per hour, and were engaged in an average of 38.22 conversational turns per hour, which is above the advanced level set by LENA by having over 25 conversational turns per hour.

Mission and Vision

BBI’ vision is that all children and families in the District receive the support and resources necessary to thrive and realize their full potential. In support of that vision, BBI will implement a two-generation approach to: 

  • Ensure every child experiencing housing instability is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged; 

  • Develop school-ready and kindergarten-prepared children; 

  • Support families in breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty; and 

  • Partner intentionally to eradicate disparities and remove obstacles to economic mobility. 

BBI’s Five-Year Strategic Plan

Letters from Our Leaders

  • Dear Friends and Supporters of Bright Beginnings,

    When I reflect on how uncertain the world has felt for the past few years, I find overwhelming comfort in being able to welcome you to this annual report from—finally—a position of great stability.

    It’s true that in program year 2022-2023, we were still experiencing the lingering effects of the pandemic—inflation in the market; impacts on mental health for children, families, and staff; and difficulty filling vacancies in a timely manner. These challenges certainly impacted our day-to-day operations, and much of our work and planning was in direct response to those challenges.

    At the same time, we had a clear view of the post-pandemic horizon. And so much was accomplished! We began overhauling our unused outdoor space to create a garden oasis. We implemented a new developmental screening midway through our program year. We enhanced our indoor play and sensory rooms with new, therapeutic innovations. We offered bi-monthly farmers markets that nourished the body and soul. And we developed a high-impact teacher assistant internship program in partnership with Ballou STAY.

    I’m thrilled to say that these are only a few of the new initiatives introduced this year to benefit the whole child and the whole family. You’ll find so much more in the report that follows.

    As BBI’s chief executive, I am extremely proud of the creativity and responsiveness with which the members of the BBI team approach their work.

    Let me offer just one example. During the school year, BBI’s Multi-Disciplinary Team wisely discerned that a significant number of children needed additional communication support. Many of our children had already benefited from, and showed growth by, working with the in-house Speech Therapist—and, as such, there was not a need to refer them to an outside agency. But based on the observations of the therapist, it was decided that more interaction between parents and children could strengthen communication skills even more. So, in August 2023, our team distributed an activity bag to every child to use during our summer. The activity bags provided instructions, materials, and opportunity for parents to engage in play, conversation, and relationship building with their child. The pilot was so successful that we plan to repeat it annually. This is the sort of vital intervention that only becomes possible through the dedication and diligence of a brilliant team.

    And our team’s drive is matched by the energy of our community leaders. As we continue to center parent voices as a core tenet of our work, BBI’s Parent Policy Council (PPC) provided essential feedback throughout the year on their needs and guided us in the best way to address them. With the hiring of an advocacy manager to lead our Alumni Support program and coordinate and amplify the voice of our PPC, we have begun laying the groundwork for BBI parents to be the best advocates for their children, themselves, and their community.

    I am so thankful to everyone who believes and invests in the work we do and the families we serve. We are thrilled to be entering our 35th year of service to the DC community. As we move into this milestone year, we will continue to innovate and improve upon the work we are doing to support children and families.

    We can’t wait to share the incredible results that come from our newest projects!


    Erin Fisher

  • Dear Friends and Families of Bright Beginnings,

    As Bright Beginnings’ Board President, I am so pleased to present our annual report for program year 2022-2023.

    In acknowledgement of her creative and effective management of a thriving and exciting organization, we proudly began our year by naming Erin Fisher as our permanent CEO.

    Under her continuing leadership, with a commitment to a two-generation approach and the support of an intrepid team of changemakers, our newest initiatives and programs clearly demonstrated both growth and transformative impact for BBI’s children and their families. Among these, our best successes are the infant and maternal wellness and evening care programs, as well as a deep investment in professional development for the BBI team.

    These two successes are not coincidental. Our ability to provide the very best service to our community depends on the strength, expertise, and wellbeing of our staff. Erin has built a culture of development and support, thoughtfully enriching the workplace environment with access to a wide range of health and wellness supports. As you’ll read in this report, the effects of this culture are clearly demonstrated by the measurable impact of our programs.

    In my role as Board President, I am responsible for ensuring the viability of our critical work. I am happy to report that BBI again remains in sound financial condition with no deficiencies in internal control or material weaknesses found in our FY23 audit. Importantly, we plan to extinguish the New Market Tax Credit Loan in our next fiscal year.

    Last year, the Board of Directors welcomed eight new members, each of whom has added immeasurably valuable expertise and experience to our ranks. Through their leadership, we are well-positioned to provide meaningful support and guidance as BBI continues to expand its ability to meet community early childhood education needs.

    On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I want to personally thank each person who has contributed to BBI’s story this year. We find ourselves in a position of tremendous strength to march forward, and we would not be here without the support of amazing individuals, organizations, funders, corporations, federal and local government agencies, and community partners.

    We have more work to do together. But in this moment of celebration, I offer you my thanks.


    Nancy P. Register, 2023 Board of Directors President

In FY23, BBI provided education and wrap-around services at no cost to 216 children and their families living at or below the federal poverty line. BBI employs a two-generation approach for long-term success. We provide high-quality, accredited, and free early childhood education for children. At the same time, we empower parents with the knowledge and skills to be their children’s first and best teachers, to have economic stability and mobility, and to be mentally and physically healthy. With gaps in learning becoming harder to remedy as children age, access to quality early childhood education has proven to have a positive impact on a wide range of academic and life outcomes for children.

2023 Year in Review


"My favorite part of teaching is watching children master activities and knowing they understand a concept. I let them guide conversations to help them learn concepts.”

— Ms. Linda, a BBI teacher

More Insights


“I wake up with energy every day and my boys and I have a place to go. I drop Moses and Aaron off and then I go to work. It’s a standard that has helped all of us.”

— Bilal, a BBI father of two

Our Stories


  • “Carmen” came to BBI as an 8-month-old in April 2023 and started in Room 13. Her developmental screening was conducted soon after she enrolled. The assessment indicated some delays in her physical development and her mother was quickly informed. Carmen and her mom were referred to Strong Start and were found eligible for their services with an Occupational Therapist. Strong Start provided support to Carmen in her areas of weakness. Once Carmen got stronger, it was determined that she had mastered the occupational goals and could benefit from additional support in the area of communication, so those services were quickly put in place. Within a year, Carmen’s development has improved to the point where BBI screenings show she is now developmentally advanced. Strong Start determined that Carmen is no longer eligible for services or in need of developmental or communication support. Because of an early intervention, Carmen is now developing right on track for her age.

Leah & Derek

  • Leah and Derek joined BBI’s home-based program in December 2022. Leah was pregnant with her first child and was searching for support. Regular check-ins with a home visitor—and access to a doula and lactation specialist—provided the young couple with confidence to face this new journey together. Derek got involved in the fatherhood and internship programs at BBI. As a canvassing intern, he was trained to speak with local families about the services available at BBI and build his soft skills. He excelled in this role, which caught the attention of BBI staff. Soon after, a position opened up in BBI’s facilities department. Derek was offered the role, where he excelled. He was punctual and meticulous about his work. This part-time role turned into a full-time position in late 2023. Leah is doing equally well. She’s an eager participant in Parent Cafés and literacy events, and is currently enrolled in a Childhood Development Associates program in DC with a goal to complete her internship hours at BBI this year. Leah and Derek’s first child is now enrolled in BBI’s daytime program and thriving, and a second child is on the way!

Tabitha & Lilly

  • “Tabitha” and her daughter “Lilly” found BBI through one of our community referral partners. Tabitha had struggled with other day care centers that frequently sent Lilly home because of a runny nose, which impacted her mother’s ability to work. Tabitha attended parent orientation in the fall of 2022 and met with our health services team. She shared that Lilly’s frequent runny noses were the result of sinus problems. and she wanted to know how BBI would react to the condition. Tabitha was told that BBI wouldn’t send Lilly home for a runny nose unless two other symptoms of illness are present. That assured Tabitha that BBI was a good fit for her family. Once the school year was underway, our health services team referred Tabitha and Lilly to Children’s National Medical Center for an evaluation. It was determined that Lilly needed her tonsils and adenoids out in order to remedy her sinus problem. Lilly had the surgery and no longer has sinus-related runny noses. She entered kindergarten in August 2023, and BBI was able to facilitate her transition to a school that will support her individual education plan.

Head Start by the Numbers

Looking Ahead

  • With seed funding from a private foundation, BBI is building a career ladder for early childhood educators. This project will establish a framework that will guide and support the early childhood staff to develop not only as educators, but also as leaders in literacy, STEM, or social emotional learning content (SEL). These emerging leaders will also develop strategic and targeted projects in their content areas. The projects will address the ever-changing needs of our children and enhance their experiences in the classroom.

  • We are incredibly excited that after a five-year hiatus, Bright Beginnings has revived its annual 5K Fun Run and Walk, in partnership with the Junior League of Washington. Our goal is to bring together the families and friends of BBI for an event that is healthy, fun, and community-oriented. The event will have food, fun, and games for participants of all ages and athletic ability.

  • Physical activity and the wellness of our children and families is a primary focus at BBI. This year, we're introducing ten hours per week of physical education classes for 75 children ages 2.5 and up. The skills and habits developed through physical activities and sports participation at an early age can have lasting benefits into adulthood. We are excited to see the impact this new programming will have on our children—and we look forward to sharing it with you in our next annual report!


“We are having fresh veggies every day and fruit. [My kids] snack on fruit and I use everything we get at the farmers market.”

— Talaya, a BBI parent

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